Transparent like a glass

Environmental care

Why Recycling?

Glass constitutes roughly 10% of municipal waste. Container glass makes the largest share of the glass waste. It is estimated that a statistical inhabitant of Poland produces 25kg of glass waste yearly. A prevalent amount of glass waste is recyclable.

Glass recycling is one of the most advanced recycling type in Europe. The most important reason for glass recycling is environmental protection. Today, when so much attention is paid to reducing the amount of CO2 emission to the atmosphere, a reduction of emission of this gas can be achieved by an increased participation of cullet usage in glass furnace batches.

Even its smallest addition greatly reduces the power demand of the process which results in reduced emission of hazardous glass to the atmosphere. In addition, using cullet, reduces the demand for raw materials which reduces the volume of waste produced in the process and slows down the environmental degradation.

This is why selective collection of waste should not only be an obligation put on us by the government but also a habit that can guarantee better life conditions for us and future generations.





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Why Recycling?

Float glass and recoverable container glass recycling is contributing significantly to a decrease in the amount of waste accumulated in landfills which largely extends their lifespan.

The most effective approach to glass recycling, both float and container glass, is to submit cleansed glass to a second smelting in a glass furnace in order to manufacture a new glass product. Additional benefits of using cullet as a material during glass smelting are:

  • Reduction of CO2 production through minimal use of fuel or coal materials such as lime powder, soda, or dolomite, which produce CO2 during decomposition.
  • Reduction of SOx emission e.g. green glass can be smelted without the use of fining agents (sodium or calcium sulfate).
  • Reduction of chlorine and fluorine emission.
  • Reduction of fly ash production through limited use of unprocessed materials which contain, on average, 25% more fly ash with granule size less than 0.10 mm.
  • Reduction of NOx emission through reduction of fuel consumption in a glass furnace.


It is assumed that 1kg of cullet replaces 1,2kg of unprocessed materials, lowering the cost of materials and resulting in a significant environmental effect. According to data published by The German Association of Glass Manufacturers the addition of cullet in glass production decreases the need for glass furnace charge by:

  • 0,72 tons of quartz sand, main component of which is SiO2 quartz.
  • 0,25 tons of sodium carbonate Na2CO3.
  • 0,18 tons of lime powder consisting of CaCO3


The use of properly cleansed glass waste allows a significantly lower use of unprocessed minerals which means a crucial reduction of required interference with natural environment. The production of glass containing cullet is less energy intensive than production using raw materials because every 10% of cullet reduces the need for energy by 2.3-2.8%. Up to 25% of energy used to produce glass using unprocessed materials can be saved by using cullet instead. The addition of merely 1% of cullet to the glass batch will decrease the energy consumption by ~8kJ/kg of glass. The energy savings come mostly from the lower temperature level of glass smelting that includes cullet. The smelting point of glass batch including cullet is 1000oC while glass batch consisting of unprocessed materials only reaches 1200oC – 1300oC. Larger addition of a cullet results in a decrease of temperature of smelting as cullet reaches liquid state faster, which simplifies and accelerates reactions occurring during glass smelting.

Lowered temperature influences also the amount of degassed substance created by raw materials. The presence of cullet in the batch decreases chimney corrosion, extending the lifespan of a tank furnace and decreases pulverization of the batch inside the glass furnace. It results in a decreased emission of ashes and ingredients volatilizing with exhaust. Cullet contains less chloride and fluoride than raw materials which results in a decreased emission of chlorine and fluorine.

A very important parameter is a decreased quantity of CO2 emitted during the process of glass smelting in glassworks, resulting not only from a decreased amount of CO2 emitting resources but also through limiting energy consumption (up to 25% depending on the amount of cullet used) used to heat the glass furnace batch. CO2 reduction is very difficult as it is highly dependent on the amount of fuel used and the type of glass furnace batch used. Therefore, it is important to lower energy consumption while maintaining the efficiency of production. Thanks to using cullet in the process of glass smelting, the volume of glass furnace batch per unit produced is reduced and temperature of smelting is lowered. This in turn, results in lowered emission of CO2 in the amount of 220kg per ton of reused glass.

Currently, an emphasis is put on the reduction of CO2 emission. The possibility to reduce the emission CO2 in glass smelting can be achieved through increased usage of cullet in the glass furnace batch. However, implementation of this task needs to be preceded by adequate preparation of cullet in terms of both quantity and quality. This is why the processes of cleansing, separation and crushing of glass are so important in the overall process of glass recycling.

Another very important aspect of DSS Recykling activities is implementation of obligation regarding container glass recycling in accordance to environmental policy of the European Union. The obligation, presented to Poland by the European Union concerns the levels of recovery and recycling of container glass. According to the policy, 600 000 Mg of container glass needs to be recycled on annual basis, which requires further investments in the field of technological lines for glass recycling.

It is worth noting, what level of cullet reuse is achieved by other European countries.

Some German glassworks use recycled glass as 80% of input in their glass furnace batch, whereas in Switzerland this level can reach up to 100%.

Production safety

We prepare various kinds of glass for reuse. Glass coming from continuous smelting, architectural glass, automotive glass, glass collected selectively from containers such as bottles, jars, etc.

We limit the amount of waste production:

  • We monitor the amount of accepted, processed and collected waste and keep their records.
  • We utilize the equipment constituting the installation according to their manuals which enables an effective and failure-free work.
  • Periodic inspections and maintenance of the equipment is done regularly in accordance to producers guidelines and is done by specialized companies.


100% safety guaranteed

Glass Recycling Center in Dąbrowa Górnicza processes cullet without any hazardous substances. We put a large emphasis on the quality of collected glass. After processing, our cullet comes out a glass free of any impurity.

Environmental care

We care about the air

The balance of incoming Stock and the products manufactured by DSS Recykling does not show a loss of material that could result in polluting the air.

In order to protect the air we adapt a number of technologies and procedures complementing each other:

  • The process of loading the cullet is accompanied by a spraying water and in accordance to recommendations to position the backhoe vertically to the chute to limit the emission.
  • The process of crushing is performed on a moist ground and in closed spaces of the devices and the main processing of the waste is done in a closed production hall.
  • We use electronically controlled sprinklers.
  • Each of our air separation systems is equipped with a set of cleansing devices made of a cyclone and a fabric filter.
  • We clean and sweep our driveway, parking lots, and a shunting yard regularly (a couple of times a week)

We care about water

Cullet is processed using a technology where no industrial wastewater is produced. Our installation is equipped with all safety measures as per process documentation and is consistent with practices in similar glass processing institutions in other countries (e.g. Denmark, Germany). The only wastewater produced in our factory is the rainwater, melted snow and a sewage. Water used to sprinkle the glass is not getting to the sewage system.

We adhere to standards

Our cullet processing installation in Glass Recycling Center DSS Recykling Ltd. in Dąbrowa Górnicza does not have any degrading effects on the environment nor does it violate environmental quality standards.

Noise test

Our factory is located in a considerable distance from protected areas – in a low ground, at the intersection of two railway lines situated on high embankments. Thanks to this location, noise is stifled and residential housing shielded.

All our devices and equipment is new and in impeccable technical condition and are characterized by low acoustic power.

In order to assess the influence of DSS Recykling Dąbrowa Górnicza on the acoustic environment, a special noise measurement test was carried out during a regular work of the installation. Despite the installation is not certified to operate at night, additional noise measurement tests were carried out at night as well. In order to carry out the measurement the installation was conditionally started at night. This was preceded by an approval from City Hall in Dąbrowa Górnicza. The measurement was carried out with a class 1 accuracy equipment. The maximum noise sources required for regular operating hours were launched for the purpose of noise measurement test.

The results unequivocally show that DSS Recykling work does not violate acceptable standards of equivalent sound level in noise protected areas, both during the day and at night.